E-LINK - Clinical Rehabilitationy
Hand Therapy
Hand therapy is a form of rehabilitation undertaken by specialized clinicians who can evaluate and treat any problem relative to the hand or upper extremity. Rehabilitation can start within days of an injury or surgery and continue right through until the patient returns to an optimal range.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is about getting the stroke patient back to living a life that is as independent as possible by re-learning the many skills needed for everyday living.
Pediatric Rehabilitation
The goal of pediatric rehabilitation is to improve the abilities of children and young people with congenital conditions, illness or following major injury so that they develop and achieve their full potential.
Spinal Injury Rehabilitation
Occupational therapists generally address upper extremity dysfunction and difficulties in activities of daily living. There is great emphasis on strengthening/endurance and ROM/stretching exercises for each spinal injury patient either in a group or on an individual basis.
Neuro Rehabilitation
aims to provide the best treatment and education for patients with injuries or diseases that affect the nervous system. Clinicians offer a variety of therapies that focus on all aspects of the patient’s wellbeing in order that the patient and their family can live a life that is as normal and as independent as possible.
Medical Evaluation
E-LINK also generates comprehensive documentation, including impairment calculations, for both the upper and lower extremities. These reports are most beneficial where careful appraisal is needed for clinical, medico-legal and Independent Medical Examinations.