E-LINK - Clinical Rehabilitationy


EP20 System

One complete E-LINK system for upper and lower extremity rehabilitation.

  • Typically used in therapy units and educational facilities for hand therapy through to stroke and neuro rehabilitation.

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EP21 System

Ideal system for hand rehabilitation in all clinical areas.

  • Various E-LINK devices facilitate exercise from a flicker of muscle activity – for example, with muscle transfers – through to full work-hardening resistive exercise.

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EP24 System

Comprehensive system that is widely used for stroke and neuro Rehabilitation.

  • Facilitates innovative exercise with immediate biofeedback from a tiny flicker of muscle activity even where there is no visible joint movement.

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EP40 System

This system is used widely from orthopedic settings, for sports injuries through to stroke and neuro rehabilitation.

  • Designed to accurately and objectively assess a patient's ability to maintain postural stability on a static surface
  • Help towards muscle strengthening, neuromuscular re-education and balance co-ordination

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